Monday, January 9, 2012

Invisible Evidence

History of GSR page 4! - GSR FOREVER Online

Invisible Evidence2~


Warrick's appearance at the preliminary hearing on a rape and murder case goes terribly wrong when the only piece of evidence is thrown out on a technicality.
Grissom and the team have 24 hours to make the case with new evidence or the killer will go free.



Sidle: Uh, listen, I recognize the importance of this, but I'm in the middle of my own homicide investigation.
I'll talk to your detective. Explain the deal.
Sidle: Well, it's not about the detective. It's about my own responsibility.
Grissom: (firmly) I'm handing out assignments, Sara. It's not a negotiation.


Invisible Evidence

Invisible Evidence

Sara is still not happy about being put on this case when she has another one that is needing dealt with.

Sidle: "You know what pisses me off?"
"Lots of things."
"Victims aren't equal. High profile cases get priority."



(Sara is standing in front of the bed sheet hanging against the wall, studying it when Grissom walks into the lab and sees her.)
Grissom: "Checking my work?"Sara: "Oh, I'm just looking around."(He stands next to her for a moment and looks at the sheet.
After a beat, he
turns to look at her.)

Grissom: "What are you thinking?"
Sara: "Well, her body left behind this void."
(Sara walks up to the sheet, her hands out in front of her to indicate the area she's talking about.)Sara: The attacker was on top. He held her down by her wrists.
(She turns around to look at Grissom.)
Grissom: "Which would explain the transfer of wax from him to her."Sara: (nods) "Yes."(He nods)
Sara: "Pin me down."(Grissom takes a step forward. He holds Sara's wrists and pushes against her as she pushes back to illustrate what she's thinking.)
Sara: "She would have struggled. Then, she gave up. Afterward, when he got up, he put his hands on the sheet for leverage."(After a moment, Grissom releases Sara's wrists and places his hands on the sheet near her waist.)
Grissom: "Like this."
(Sara nods.)
Grissom: "Which explains how the wax got from him to the sheets."
(Sara turns to look at Grissom.)
Sara: "Yes."__________________________________


Invisible Evidence

Invisible Evidence

Invisible Evidence

Invisible Evidence


Invisible Evidence

Invisible Evidence

Invisible Evidence




Sara: "Grissom, um, I, um, wanted to talk to you about something."
Grissom: Go ahead."
"Well, you know, I applied for the promotion for the key position."
(nods) "Your application's on my desk."
"About that -- I, um ...I needed to know... (pauses)...I...I wanted to make sure, rather, that anything that happened or didn't happen between us won't be a factor."
Grissom: (doesn't say anything)
"Never mind. I-I shouldn't have said anything."
(Grissom continues to stare at Sara, not saying anything)
(smiles, embarrassed) "I, um...I'm always over-talking around you."


This was a charged scene with a passionate Grissom almost going too far in the lab. It's one of the GSR fans all-time favorite scenes.

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