Monday, January 9, 2012

GSR Fan Fiction by PiperGrissom

PiperGrissom Fiction - GSR FOREVER

I'm not the best writer around, but I do enjoy it. Some of my stories, you can read here on site, others will have links to my account.
2010 GSRFO Fan Fiction Awards Nominee Badge

PiperGrissom's Fan Fiction - BookWorm Hot Spot Adventures in Communications - This is a response to a challenge at

PiperGrissom Fiction - GSR FOREVER OnlineYellow Ribbon- My entry to the 70's Cheesy Song Fan Fiction Challenge. I chose Tony Orlando's "Tie A Yellow Ribbon" for my inspirations. This is a drabble and even though my silly note at the top of the story says rated M, it's rated K.
FanFiction 70's Song Badge

PiperGrissom Fiction - GSR FOREVER Online Weekend With the Grissoms - My little drabble-non story account of the dream I had last night. Rated K+

Smut Fest Tag 4GSR Float with Whipped Cream On Top A response to the Smut Fest Challenge and cowritten with The WolvGambit. Grissom and Sara spend their first real Valentine's Day together. Rated NC-17 for Smut!
Shirtless/Sexy Billy page! - GSR FOREVER LOVE Dreaming Of Billy- A little one shot I wrote about the fabulous dream I had last week. Rated T
read this story on site HERE

GSR REUNION!!!Taking A Backseat- Written for the '09 Smutathon at Geekfiction. My prompt was BACKSEAT.
My smutty take on what happens in the jungles of Costa Rica after the fade to black. NC/17
To read this story here on site, click HERE

Bee SuitsAfter The Bees -My first EVER fan fiction. Based on the proposal scene and what I hoped happened afterwards. Rated M

The Kiss!! (from S08 E07)Goodbye and Goodnight? - Based on the promos for "Goodbye and Goodluck", back when I was hopeful. Rated T

In Dreams/Color VersionKept Private - One of my first fics. Some good old smut!.Rated M

[Untitled]Stray Kat Karaoke - This is a response to a challenge issued at IMBd : Nothing more than 4000 words GSR is a must of the fic can be pre cannon, or after be a comedy with potential romance and no character deaths include the following lines:“What color is your underwear?”And “We don’t see you without a shirt often enough.”This is an OOC, humor (I hope) and GSR with bits of YoBling, and others thrown in.Rated T Fan Fiction Hall of Fame Badge 1csi fic awards nominee banner

GSR PregnantHome Again - This is my take on how Sara comes home.I was learning to write while writing this story, so consider yourself warned. It started out written in script form, which I later learned isn't proper..then it changed styles a few times. Try to read it knowing that I learned a lot while writing it. This has evolved into a fluffy, funny and sometimes smutty fic.26 Chapters Complete

GSRA Lucky Man - A naughty tale about how Sara and Grissom spend a night away from home. This was actually my first smut story, so please read with caution! Rated M

GSR WeddingGSR Wedding Vows - This is my take on what Grissom and Sara's wedding vows would be. You can find this one shot at my livejournal community gsrlovers.livejournal. No beta, all mistakes are my own. I don't own CSI, if I did, we'd see the wedding. Rated K To Read this on site, click HERE
PiperGrissom Fiction - GSR FOREVER Fan Fiction Hall of Fame Badge 1

Seized By Love On Valentine's Day - A geekfiction '08 smutathon entry. Rated M for a reason!
PiperGrissom Fiction - GSR FOREVER

Grissom on the phone with SaraAn Early Phone Call - My take on the end scene of Grissom's Divine Comedy. Rated M

PiperGrissom Fiction - GSR FOREVERWelcome Back,Sidle - My take on the upcoming season nine premire of CSI. I don't own anything, so don't sure me. This is a short fic, no beta. Thanks to Shane for the title. Watch the promo HERE

HalloweenHalloween At The Grissom's -An answer to a challenge issued at GSRForeverLove by Neelloc12, Fun, Humor, Love,and more. No beta, I wrote this in ten minutes, so don't sue me! Rated T

pokerFlushed - A slightly OOC fic with good old smut. Grissom is playing poker and Sara has other plans. Rated M for a reason!

Tequila BottlesJunk Food,Tequila and Thou - Our favorite geeks are stressed and need to relax. Rated Adult for a reason! To read without the 'dirty words', click HERE

csi fic awards nominee banner

A response to the Christmas Challenge at GSRForeverOnline. Grissom is feeling sorry for himself at Christmas and someone shows him the way. Rated T for some mild language.

PiperGrissom's Fan Fiction - BookWorm Hot Spot GSR Float With Whipped Cream on Top - A Smut Fest Entry! Written by The WolvGambit and PiperGrissom. We hope you enjoy this lovely bit of smutty goodness.

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